Nucor Skyline

It is the policy of Nucor Skyline to identify, prevent, and minimize, to the fullest extent practical, all health and safety workplace hazards.

It is the goal of Nucor Skyline and their teammates, to continually improve our health and safety performance programs.

Guiding Principles Key Health and Safety Areas
Nothing is more important than Safety – Nothing. Identify, evaluate, correct, reduce, and/or eliminate the health and safety hazards and the associated risks to help protect our teammates.
Establish an effective interactive process for identifying, preventing, and eliminating all work‐related injuries and illnesses. Establish an effective process for preventing all injuries and work-related illnesses.
Management commitment to health and safety of teammates is essential. Teammates are expected to work safely and comply with OSHA standards and company safety rules. Provide leadership with clear accountability for health and safety.
Effective employee communications, involvement, and training are essential to health and safety excellence. Provide effective training so that we are all able to work safely.
Everyone has a role to play in preventing work‐related injuries and illnesses. Investigate safety related incidents to identify, evaluate, and address potential hazards.
Excellence in health and safety makes good sense and is good business. Establish and support a culture where work is stopped if unsafe.
Health and safety needs to be integrated into all business decisions. Establish measurable objectives to help monitor health and safety progress through regular audits and reporting.
Skyline requires that all work‐related injuries, illnesses, accidents, near miss incidents, and property damage be reported to a supervisor as soon as possible after one learns of the incident. Comply fully with all health and safety legal requirements.
Teammates have the right to report work‐related injuries and illnesses. Periodically review, and update as necessary, all health and safety programs, as well as emergency procedures.
Skyline will not discharge, take adverse action against, or retaliate against teammates for reporting work‐related injuries and illnesses  
© 2025 Skyline Steel, LLC. All rights reserved
300 Technology Center Way, Suite 450, Rock Hill, SC 29730