Basements & Underground Garages
Top-down steel sheet pile construction for below-grade parking structure in winter conditions.
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The construction of a new state-of-the-art arena with an aggressive construction timetable.
Significant cost and schedule savings found with bottom-up sheet pile solution in a $170 million landmark “village within a city” project
An innovative top-down sheet pile construction allowed for building of the superstructure to begin before excavation of parking structure was complete.
Sheet pile walls combine a temporary earth retention system with a permanent building foundation in an extremely tight footprint for two story below-grade parking.
Design guidance from Nucor Skyline aided in the successful completion of two levels of below-grade parking for the LIRR in the historic town of Oyster Bay.
Zero lot line property utilizes steel sheet piles for permanent walls in below-grade parking structure.
Up-down construction using Z-shaped sheet piles and tiebacks proved to be an effective method for a mixed use retail/commercial building with below-grade parking in the Sodo district of Seattle.
Time and money savings were realized with the revolutionary sheet pile application for a three levels of below-grade marking in the mixed use development of the John Ross condo in Portland, OR.
Using sealed and painted Z-shaped sheet piles as a finished wall for a below-grade parking garage provides a light and watertight solution.
Top-down construction of three levels of below-grade parking allowed for above-grade construction to happen simultaneously, saving time and money on this high-rise condominium project in downtown Los Angeles.
Underground parking structure with field-welded sheet pile to combat extremely high water-table conditions.
New construction in the downtown Wilmington, DE business corridor breathes life into an ailing community
Three floor addition to preexisting parking structure in the San Diego desert showcased hollow bar system from Nucor Skyline.
Below-grade parking structure using Z-shaped sheet pile saves time and money in México
ERW and spiralweld pipe made in the USA allowed tight schedules to be met on a parking garage in Central Florida
Cost-effective, top-down construction of below-grade parking allowed excavation while the building of the superstructure began in the St. Cloud Police Headquarters.
The water-tight Larssen interlocks of these Z-shaped sheet piles, plus applied sealant, keep below-grade parking dry in Seattle.