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Toledo Waterways Initiative Phase II

M-K Construction of Brownstown, Michigan installed an Earth Retention system for a water storage basin in Toledo, Ohio. A 166' x 309' rectangle consisting of a sheeting wall measuring approximately 950' was installed. In some areas, the retention was as much as 16' in depth.

Owner: City of Toledo

Contractor: M-K Construction of Brownstown, MI
Products: Skyline Steel T40/16 Hollow bar

M-K Construction of Brownstown, Michigan installed an Earth Retention system for a water storage basin in Toledo, Ohio. A 166' x 309' rectangle consisting of a sheeting wall measuring approximately 950' was installed. In some areas, the retention was as much as 16' in depth.

The design engineers at M-K Construction utilized 228 tiebacks to support the cantilevered sheet pile wall. Due to the dense soils with N values as high as 68, a pile that could support collapsing soil conditions at the surface and penetrate the dense materials beyond the failure plane was required. The pile needed to be economical and the project also called for a high rate of installation speed.

Mark Kobolak, the President of M-K Construction chose Hollow Bar soil anchors for the project. The specifications called for a 70 kip ultimate anchor. T40/16 material with a 4.5² cross cut carbide bit was chosen.

This micropile gave them the ability to drill through 25'-30' of collapsing soils without having to install casing to keep the hole open and penetrate the dense and very hard sandy lean clay. This 10'-20' of material was penetrated using an excavator mounted drill from TEI Rock Drills. The drifter gives the pile the ability to drill through rock and dense soils. As the pile is advance grouted, it is injected through the center of the material and discharged out of the bit. The hollow bar anchors ranged from 45'-55' in depth.

Skyline Steel supplied the necessary inventory for the project out of stock. We were also able to provide engineering support as the need surfaced. The project was completed as scheduled and the Skyline Steel Hollow Bar anchors proved to be the best tieback option for this project.

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